Out in the ‘burbs

I am the quintessential city girl – I like the bright lights and busy streets… Not so much the hordes of people but definitely the vibrancy that city life has to offer. Since moving to Perth though, I’ve truly come to love living out in the suburbs… The air is fresher, the streets less crowded and it just is more peaceful. I can actually hear myself think!

That being said, when it came time to think about accommodation, I was torn. As a young couple, living in the city would mean easy access to so much more. Plus, A wouldn’t have to travel almost 2 hours to and from work… And he would save on parking. In more ways than one, we would be saving. But out here in the ‘burbs, we’re close to family and we’re not subjected to the usual ruckus that comes with city living (read: noisy drunks and crazies screaming out of cars in the middle of the night because they have nothing better to do with their lives). Also, I will miss having beautiful sights – like the Simpsons cartoon-looking sky peppered with clouds – right at our doorstep:

Lush greenery though, isn’t a valid – nor practical enough – argument to remain in the suburbs. We know that our time for city living, so to speak, is now and that we’ll be back in the ‘burbs before we know it. I know too, that we will find our own little patch of serenity in the city and we don’t have to look very far beyond our own home =) I mean, there’s nothing blocking our view:

So yes, in no time at all, we’ll be receiving our keys to the apartment! With a little touching up here and there, we will be calling it our home =)

One thought on “Out in the ‘burbs

  1. You will be MORE than fine in the apartment. I was the other way – wouldn’t stop fretting about leaving the city and now I love love love suburban living, INCLUDING THE GARDEN. Babe, I’m talking i spent 3 hours pottering doing gardening today! xx

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