30 Days of Yoga – Day 3

I love that, when at work, I am reminded of my special me-time at the end of a long gruelling day simply from the little muscle aches here and there because of the good workout I’d had the day before.

That being said, I know though, that the reality of it is I’m only into the third day of this challenge I’ve set myself. The real hurdle will be persisting later on down the track because all I want to do most days after work, is crawl under the covers for a snooze before A. gets home. My excuse is that I’m on my feet all day and just too exhausted for anything else. I’ve got the luxury of having a snooze now because the in-laws cook dinner on the days I work but once we move out, that is alllll going. to. change.

So keeping me off my ass after work via yoga practice now is good “training”, for lack of a better word, for those non-stop days to come when A. and I are back out on our own again.

As the days go by, I’m feeling less pain around my tailbone and that is invariably making me a much happier person because I’m proud of myself for finally doing something about it. I’m a procrastinator, yes I am. I’m terrible like that, so by forming this new “habit” I’m really looking to be:

One, less lazy;

Two, more active; and

Three, pain-free.

I know I’ll get there 🙂 Namaste xx


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